Pure Leaf Says Women Can Say No


Breeanna Crago is learning to find her voice to say “no” at her after school job.

Kiara Felix, Staff Writer

   In 2020, the tea company Pure Leaf launched its campaign  ‘No is Beautiful’. “Since its launch in 2020, Pure Leaf’s ‘No is Beautiful’ campaign has encouraged people everywhere to say ‘no’ to the things that don’t matter, so they can say ‘yes’ to things that do,” General Manager of Pepsi Lipton Partnership of North America, Julie Raheja-Perera, said in a press statement.

Exclusively for Women’s History Month, American track & field athlete and olympian, Allyson Felix, has partnered with the tea company and the SeekHer foundation for the ‘No’ Grants. A grant that helps women cover the financial loss that comes with saying no in the workplace.  “Each time a Hispanic or Black woman says ‘no’ in the workplace, she loses over $1,400 in future earning potential. I’m partnering with Pure Leaf because we must help women say ‘no’ at work without the worry of financial repercussions.”Alysson said in a press release.  To set off the launch, Pure Leaf tea, SeekHer, and Allyson, are planning to reach 100 women, with each grant covering $2,000. SeekHer provides a support community and resources with the grant. The grant covers the money a woman could lose for saying ‘no’ at work. There are three application periods. (Period 1 lasting, March 10, 2022 – May 31, 2022)(Period 2:June 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022) (Period 3: September 1, 2022 – November 30, 2022

Alysson is passionate about the cause because she herself had a time when she as a women had to say “no”. In 2017, her contract with Nike had ended, she and the company were going over the conditions of her new contract while she was pregnant. Due to her pregnancy in her new contract, Nike offered her a 70% pay cut and did not agree to the maternity protections she asked for. During her negotiations for her maternity protections, Nike asked her to do a women empowerment commercial, despite their lack of support for pregnant women.

Nike is a predominant multinational corporation, making it hard to reject its offers. However, Alysson did say ‘no’ and walked away from the company. She then went on to sign with the company Athleta, a company for women’s sports clothing. She also went on to create Saysh, her very own lifestyle, and shoe brand.

The Grant helps women who are pushed in a corner like Alysson.  It allows them to say ‘no’ to things they are asked of at the workplace so they could tend to more important things. Such as taking care of their children, their life at home, or other business ventures that benefit them. The grant allows women to feel protected when denying demands of them in the workplace, and it protects them from the financial repercussions of saying ‘no’.

The Pure Leaf company ‘No is Beatiful’ campaign, along with this grant,

allows many females around the country to have the voice and support in the workplace to say ‘no’. It also encourages little girls to see that they will be able to say ‘no’.

To apply for the grant women can visit www.PureLeafGrants.com  and from there explain how you’d use the funds from the grant to say ‘no’.

To stay updated and learn more about Pure Leaf’s ‘No Is Beautiful’ Campaign visit www.PureLeaf.com or follow the company’s social media’s