Mr. Kenny’s Look at the Past, Present, and Future


Mr. Kenny

Madison Barrass, Editor

Whether it be fencing, learning about computer software, teaching himself calligraphy, or carving wood in his garage, Mr. Kenny keeps himself busy outside of the classroom setting.

“Whenever I can I’ll take the opportunity to go hiking in some remote location, or getting lost in a new city. My favorite locations so far have been the west coast of Ireland and visiting Patagonia in Chile. I really just enjoy exploring. On a day-to-day basis though I like to read or game a bit – bit of a nerd.”

Despite his myriad of side hobbies, his real source of joy is history. His award winning thesis, focused on Ireland between 1855-1870, shows his true focus on the intricate details that are involved in historical analyzation and have inspired many of his students to venture into historical studies in the future. This year, Mr. Kenny taught AICE European History, AP World History Modern, and Wold History. He is very passionate about the subjects he teaches, and believes that everyone should invest some of their time into learning about the past so they are educated about the present and future.

Mr. Kenny has taught a variety of age groups, ranging from preschool to upperclassmen in high school. He believes that this range has offered him a different perspective regarding how students learn and grow as individuals.


“After having taught young children in preschool, it has helped me see my high school students truly as young adults who are preparing to enter the world, and not just as “children.” I feel as though approaching students on that level – with the kind of respect you would offer a colleague or fellow adult – really helps them tune in and feel appreciated in the educational system.” Mr. Kenny has high hopes for his students, hoping to see who will be the future “movers and shakers” of the world.

This year has been anything but ordinary, and teaching during the pandemic has introduced a new set of issues and challenges aside from Zoom crashing every few minutes.

“Combating the near impossible tendency to zone out or lose focus when online…” has been one of his largest struggles with his students, and understandably so. This year began with a rocky start but is still ending on a high note.

After beginning here in 2018, this graduation, held on the new football field June 3rd, 2021, contained the first seniors he watched grow over the past three years. He wishes the absolute best to this year’s senior class.

“…it is impossible to know what will happen tomorrow, or next week, or month. The best we can do is prepare and hope that we’ve done enough of that, so that when tomorrow does arrive we can take the necessary steps to succeed – whatever they may be.”