“New Year, New Me”, But Will it Really Be?

Cheers to a New Year! Now, how are those resolutions going?

Madison Barrass, Staff Writer

Now that 2020 is in the past, many are using this opportunity to create new habits and have a fresh start.  While there are many kinds of New Year’s resolutions, ranging from eating more vegetables to becoming more focused in school, is there a real way to establish and maintain a resolution? 

Different people respond differently to goals; for many, visualizing what will help make the most out of the year is a helpful plan. Desk calendars allow you to efficiently manage your time by prioritizing what needs to be completed first, whether it be chores or schoolwork.  This type of calendar makes it easy to see important meetings and times for extracurriculars, ensuring your attendance and proper planning. Desk calendars come in an efficient size and enable one to quickly write down a reminder at their desk.  Many students highly recommend this form of “resolution keeping” to help them stay on track. “I enjoy putting events and reminders on my calendar because I am able to make it creative, therefore I remember what I need to do”, adds one tenth grade student . 

On the flip side, desk calendars may not be the most useful apparatus for your hectic lifestyle.  Many students have found that portable agendas have allowed them to quickly write down reminders and dates on-the-go in an organized manner. Many students have questioned how helpful calendars and agendas are for retaining reminders. Writing for Forbes magazine, Mike Murphy states, “Writing things down doesn’t just help you remember, it makes your mind more efficient by helping you focus on the truly important stuff.” These key dates and upcoming assignments are more likely to be recalled when written down, and if forgotten, the agenda or calendar acts as a reference.    

However, many students feel overwhelmed with assignments and events and want to find a way to relax or make more time for themselves. It is important to have balance, so planning for days to relax are crucial for educational success. Creating an established schedule allows for a routine.  These newer, healthier routines become habitual if done often enough. 

It is crucial to consistently stick with these routines in order to get the most out of them.  The common phrase of “I broke my resolution by February” is often because the resolution was either not compatible with your personal schedule or too broad. Having a specific goal or smaller ambitions allow for a faster accomplishment of these goals. Not only will a formulated routine that best fits your personal schedule and limitations help you feel short term fulfillment, but your overall success within your focus area will be sustained. Taking breaks is essential for staying focused for a longer amount of time, so allotting time specifically for this purpose is necessary. 

Whether it be getting up a few minutes earlier to study each day or making more time to relax, these habits will someday prove to be worthwhile.