Fluffy Sidekicks for a Frantic Season

Pets have proved to be lovable companions during these uncertain times.

Pets have proved to be lovable companions during these uncertain times.

Vivian Capraro, Staff Writer

As the pandemic continues to spread, many have turned to their pets for emotional support. Nearly eight months since quarantine has begun, pets have become closer to their owners than ever before. 

 Many have been deprived of companionship over the past eight months, and pets are a key part of filling this void. A survey conducted by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute uncovered that 80% of pet owners have felt less lonely in the presence of their pets. Because feelings of isolation and detachment are very damaging, it is vital to find an outlet to help combat these issues. Alongside companionship, animals have decreased stress levels in their owners. Due to the fact that animals have done so much to combat isolation, stress has been positively correlated. Mainly, long-term mental health has been improved in many people.

Furthermore, pets have created a comical environment in the workplace by “zoom bombing.” It is not uncommon to see a cat pass in front of the screen while watching the news. “My dog has greatly improved my experiences with quarantine and allowed me to have a more positive outlook on the future” says Hannah Lau, a 10th grade student. In addition, dog owners are finding new and creative ways to get active with their pets. Not only do daily walks make pet owners more active, but with an abundance of spare time people are searching for cost effective outlets to be productive. While hiking can be an overlooked form of exercise,  it’s pet friendly and safe to do while social distancing.  Exercising with pets is a form of bonding, which is key in setting up a healthy lifestyle.

While we may be unsure of what the future holds, we can rest assured that our cuddle buddies will be here to keep us company.