Students Receive Perfect Scores on FSA and EOC Testing


Congratulations to our perfect-scoring Cougars!

Sasha Legagneur, Staff Writer

Nine of our students received perfect scores on their Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) and End-of-Course (EOC) exams.

Sally Brown received a perfect score on the civics EOC exam. Sarah Ortega and Grace Rinier received perfect scores on their 8th grade English FSA. Benton Stalcup, Maya Rodriguez and Ryan Doepecker received perfect scores on their 8th grade math FSAs. Maxwell Wilfon, Braden Strackman, and Emma Carter received perfect scores on their United States History EOC exams.

Each student received a signed award from the governor. The student’s achievements set them up for a higher chance at college acceptance. Senior Braden Strackman said, “I believe that my knowledge of U.S. history will improve my application.”

The school hopes that these students will continue on the magnificent track they have begun to ride.

Our perfect-scoring seniors Emma Carter (left), Braden Strackman (middle), and Max Wilfond (right).