How Does Music Affect Students?


Michael McNeill

Original artwork by Michael McNeill.

Marissa Colangelo, Author

There is a variety of music now and most people have their preferences. The four main genres of music include rock, pop, rap, and country. Most students either prefer rap or pop, which can be either “kid-friendly” or “anyone under the age of eighteen should not be listening to this.”

Let us rock-and-roll into this with an article from entitled, “Does Listening to Music While Doing Homework Affect Your Grade in School?” The article states that, “Students who listen to music with lyrics may have more difficulty concentrating and many struggle more to recall the information they’ve learned.” This means that if a student was doing homework and has a hip-hop radio station on, it will distract them from working; So, if they are trying to read or write, they may have to check the article or essay again, due to the fact the words are interfering with their minds.

In the 1950s-1960s, there was the start of rock, followed by pop in the 70s-80s, with country music spread in-between; However, we can’t deny that the world today is in a huge stage of rap music. As soon as school gets outs or before it starts, kids are blasting rap songs. Rap started around the 70s and 80s along with pop, but it was more underground and not as big. Older groups include Run-D.M.C. and the Beastie Boys, but now, people like Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and Cardi B., usually go solo on their songs. If you compare an old rap song from 1988 to 2018, you will see a big difference in the lyrics and tune. Older songs had more cleaner lyrics and a lot of beat, but now many songs say inappropriate words and have a continuous, repetitive tune. This does not mean all rap is bad, just that it has changed so much.

Modern rap contributes a lot to the language and behavior choices made today. Many people focus of being hip, and since rap songs are referred to or mention “cool” or “hip” things, they will say and/or do what is in that song to be cool. The encouragement of bad language and behavior can make kids do things they normally would not do. Ms. Lynn, a 6th grade teacher at Somerset, backed up this idea by stating that if students listen to violent music, it may encourage violent behavior.

However, not all music is particularly bad. In many scenarios, music can help students. Mrs. Clancy, an administrator, said, “Classical music helps kids focus”.

Many people also believe that music can help develop creativity. Mrs. Beira, an art teacher, said, “I use clean versions of top songs to help kids focus: pop music. It helps them with their creativity”, and a Somerset student said that, “It shows people how to use more creativity.” If someone develops an interest in music, it could potentially lead to a music career.

Songs have been shown to change a lot, as it can be calming and gentle or intense and inappropriate. Music is part of a traditional culture everywhere, and with a wide variety of options, we all have our preferences. Sometimes music can get you in trouble or it can help you, so be wise with what you listen to.